Labour's Green Bin Charge - Update Cllr Douglas McCall spoke against the charging proposal for green bins.
Labour's proposal to charge £33 per year for a green bin was 'called in' for a review by the Executive Scrutiny Committee.
Cllr Douglas McCall, Liberal Democrat Group Leader, attended the meeting on the 29th March to speak against Labour's proposals. He was able to call upon his 7 years experience as a former Cabinet member with responsibility for waste.
After our 4 hours of listening to evidence Cllr Ric Brackenbury, Lib Dem Deputy Group Leader, proposed that the Committee referred the decision to Full Council due to:
-lack of consultation
-ineffective scrutiny
-undermining budget process
-widespread resident concerns
-queries over whether savings would be achieved.
This was agreed by the committee.
In the meantime the cabinet was invited to get on with the consultation.
Full Council does not have the authority to overturn the executive decision.